The ultimate Photo,- Music,- and Moviecharacter Database for everyone.

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©Copyright Tensofyears.at.ua
1. Tens of years?
Tens of years is a interactiv photo database with a esay control and many photo folders allround the world.
2. Thematic
We need stuff about more than today and before 30years, of course, its a many stuff, but we need them and save all files to show it.
Music, historical highlights and in the front of them photography. Citys, Metropoles and urban is the magic word we think.
3. Whats new adn recent?
All we want show you found the new uploads in the middle of the mainpage.
4. So much uploads yet?
Over 10 years -  tens of years.
5. I have photos
We need new stuff. send us your photos
6. Character of this Photos?
Photos by your own. Travel,- sightseeing,- or from your own city, we want them all.
7. How i can send tensofyears this photos?
Go to a Upload-link, click. The Upload Area hava many fields. Push on the button "to scan a file" or "durchsuchen" and your fileindex will open. Select a Photo and click on "open" - The fileadress will incoming of this field on the upload-Area.
8. So many changes. what is it?
Field 1: You change a Continent and a cityname from the list where you have made this photo or this place.
Field 2: Select a photo you want send (»7)
Field 3: Give your photo a expressive Name ( what do you see on this picture?) let it us know. We love small words.
Field 4: Select a production year, how you have made this photo? we need a summary of year. other user want search for this one, take it.
Field 5: Select a country/land where you have made this photo. we need a location or country name of this one. other user want search for this one, take it.
+ Button: You can addet more photos in this upload channal. its one way.
8. How i can find my uploadet photos?
Way 1. Go to ouer Updatesite and read the updated photolist for your photoname.
Way 2. or you go to a searchbar, you find it on the top on ouer sites. enter your titlename/year/country ( - the year or countryyou have entryed in the upload area by this photo).
Way 3. Go to the continent, country or city and serach in this folders.

» Back to the Main/Startpage

"...Collection, to archive stuff and many hits is ouer King!"  Tens of Years.


Make a Coffee-tour on Tens of Years

Learn more - The golden 10 Tens of years Rules

1. Be a collecter
2. Collect with us
3. Be real
4. Stay forever young
5. The future is hot
6. Remember good times
7. Photos are ouer first love
8. We create the music-base
9. Tens of years are you

What sad the world and other Guests about TENSOFYEARS?
Sergei V.,Russl., Moskow ,,hate modern flash-websites-like easy-viewfront panels-three clicks and i foundet stuff.Thank you."
Rocco J., Italy-Miland ,,Tens of years-i was 16 years old,i browse with a friend on my mother´s PC - i am 21 years old yet."

Files and Upload

We have a statement:
Since November 2002-2025
User and Guests
2002 - 2004
2004 - 2006
2006 - 2008
2008 - 2010
0, 3%
99, 7%
2010 - 2025
0, 1%

Tens of years updated 1 - 5 days  /  week.

History - we about us

In 2002 the idea was born.
Tens of years was started on the web years later, and upload stuff a hundred dollas and DM worth of goods For the spacing material ( photos, informations..). In this times, it was not easy take old stuff - don´t google and web search. Tens of years meet a lot of peoples with photos from all countrys and citys.
This Part was ouer first mind - we burn the web with this entrys on Tensofyears. Listen, nobody is a machine, night to day, day to night, 3 admins was at work. coffee and cigarettes was ouer constant companion. End of this session ( 3weeks) we saw the result - it was amazing. Tens of years learn walk, in the end of the eight week, the keyboard was burning.
1000 Updates and Upgrades want allready. Today we are very happy and proud about Tens of years.

Who is Tens of years?

- 3 Admins and 1 Webmaster ( - 2009 )
- 1 Webmaster / Administrator (- April 2010)
- 1 co-Admin and 1 Admin/webmaster (yet)

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