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  Wrong Turn 2 : Dead End

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Erica Leerhsen
Wrong Turn 2 : Dead End

Action  » Horror, Action, Psycho-Thriller
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On Wednesday,18.08.2010,8:23:05
Horror, Action, Psycho-Thriller
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They are competing in a survivalist reality show called "Apocalypse: Ultimate Survivalist" with a theme that it takes place at the end of the world. Like the original Wrong Turn, it is set in the West Virginia back-country. The show is hosted by retired military commander, Dale Murphy (Rollins), who makes them give up all outside communication before starting. After Kimberly doesn't show up, the show's producer Mara steps into her place. As they move into the forest, the surviving cannibal, "Three Finger" from the first movie attacks and kills Neil, one of the producers, by slicing off a large portion of his scalp. Afterward, another cannibal called "Pa" punctures Dale's ATV tires with arrows, preventing him from escaping. Dale then throws a knife that hits "Three-Finger" in the chest, who pulls it out and licks the blood from it. Dale turns around only to be knocked out by "Pa".

Later, Michael, Mara's boyfriend, tries to create "sparks" between Elena and Jake by getting Elena to reveal her breasts to him on camera. Jake doesn't like the fact that Elena is stripping and refuses to engage in any sexual activity because of his morals. He then leaves to look for food in the woods. Elena then turns to Michael and decides to perform a "persuading" blowjob, and has oral sex with him while Mara and Nina watch in disgust. Mara is devastated, then she goes with Nina to a cabin in search of a phone. There they witness a cannibal, "Ma", giving birth, and are in turn spotted by "Sister". The girls get out of the cabin through a dug out trench as "Sister" kicks down the door. The two run away into the woods with the cannibals chasing them. During the pursuit, Mara is hit in the head with an axe and killed as Nina hides. One of the cannibals, "Pa," looks for her but doesn't find her. The other cannibals drive up with Mara tied to the hood of their truck and the cannibal gets in and drives off. Nina sets off to find the others.

Down by the lake, Michael goes back to the RV and Elena stays there to tan in her underwear. "Brother", watching her in the bushes, starts masturbating but is interrupted by "Sister" who is furious and jealous of Elena. "Sister" knocks him over and he sets off an alarm. Elena hears it and starts to get dressed. "Sister" runs out of the bushes towards Elena, who trips and falls into the lake. "Sister" slashes her across the back with a machete repeatedly, killing her. She stops hacking at the body when "Brother" comes out of the bushes. "Sister" suddenly becomes passive and lovingly caresses "Brother"'s face. She then kisses him.

Back at the RV, Michael is stabbed with an arrow, taken to the cannibals' home, and later decapitated. As Three-Finger tortures Dale, who is suspended upside-down, he uses a moment to his advantage, manages to escape, and shoots the mutant with a shotgun.

Jake finds Amber and Jonesy at a barbecue pit. As they eat the discovered meat, a crazed Nina races up and tells her story. Jake then realizes it was Kimberly's leg that they had been eating after spotting her signature snake tattoo. As they run, Dale finds "The Old Man" (same old man and actor from previous movie) in his cabin. Dale tells him about the cannibals and soon realizes the man is their un-mutated father. After a brief skirmish, Dale kills the old man by blowing him up with a stick of dynamite.

After Amber, Jonesy, Jake, and Nina notice that the RV is gone, they run towards the woods and hear moaning sounds. They believe that "Brother" is raping Elena. Jake gets up to intervene, and it is revealed that the woman is actually "Sister" wearing Elena's hair (obviously scalped from Elena's head). Nina runs, horrified, and falls into a trap set by the cannibals. Amber, Jonesy and Jake fight the cannibals and "Brother" falls and punctures his head on a rock. Amber, Jonesy, and Jake look for Nina. Jake decides to look for her while Amber and Jonesy go for Help. Jake finds Nina in the trap hole and runs towards the river, where "Sister" finds them and shoots at them as they jump to the river. After a chase, Amber and Jonesy get caught in a trap and are soon killed with a single dual headshot arrow. Meanwhile, Nina and Jake make it to the mill. They walk through the first gate and Nina sees a tank with a toxic symbol. Jake and Nina then enter the mill and search around. They hear a truck and make their way to a view of a garage filled with stolen empty cars. They hear Michael screaming and Jake arms himself whilst Nina waits outside the RV. Jake enters the RV and realizes that Michael's screams weren't coming from the RV, but from somewhere close. Jake then watches via live feed Michael being decapitated. As Nina waits outside the van, she hears a giggle and "Sister" appears. Nina is then dragged away. Jake screams to her, but when he turns around, "Pa" is standing there. Jake hits "Pa" with a monkey wrench, but "Pa" shakes it off and easily overpowers him.

The abandoned mill is revealed to be the mutant's home, and Dale managed to sneak into the compound. The family of mutants appear to function and take part in certain activities like any normal family such as watching television together and saying grace before eating. Jake is held captive while Nina is strapped to a chair lined with barbed wire at the table. While sneaking, Dale catches in a noisy trap, alerting the family who soon chase him. He manages to kill "Brother" and "Sister" with dynamite stuck to an arrow and goes to Nina and Jake. He frees Nina and, while helping Jake, is shot in the back with an arrow and is then killed by a razor-wire chain thrown around his throat. Nina successfully escapes, however Jake wanders into a room where an enormous tree de-barker is kept, and soon gets into a fight with "Pa". Nina returns to the mill and meets up with Jake, who killed "Ma" and "Pa" by pushing them into the de-barker. They then find Kimberly's abandoned car and drive away to safety.

As the film ends, the still alive Three-Finger feeds the newborn mutant baby Mara's finger and a bottle filled with a greenish chemical waste. His laugh is heard over the end credits.

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